What’s the roadmap to starting a flourishing WordPress development company?

Have you ever wanted to start your own WordPress development company? What are the key steps that you need to take in order to make it successful and flourishing? How can you maximize profits and create a long term growth strategy? Starting and running a WordPress development company requires a strong grasp on the latest technologies, market trends, and potential business opportunities.
Recent research from Deloitte[1], states that the WordPress market is projected grow by 22.1%, from $7.3 billion in 2020 to $8.5 billion in 2021. This impressive growth is potentially driven by increasing need for e-commerce solutions, web design, and internet marketing among other services. In addition, the WordPress community continues to expand with over 500 million blogs and websites, 80 million active users, and 5 million new web pages being made every week[2].
In this article, you will learn the key steps to starting a successful WordPress development company. We will discuss the importance of staying up to date with the latest WordPress technologies, setting up realistic goals and financial strategies, and obtaining the necessary resources to succeed. Additionally, we will provide tips and tricks that budding companies should take into consideration when developing a strong customer base and marketing strategy.
By understanding the basics of setting up and running a WordPress development company, you will be able to maximize profits, minimize risks, and create a long term growth strategy for your business.
[1] Deloitte, “Digitizing Businesses: Accelerate Digital Transformation for Growth and Agility”, July 10, 2020
[2] WordPress, “WordPress Stats”, accessed April 15, 2021Definitions:
WordPress Development: WordPress development is the process of creating, designing, and maintaining websites using the popular WordPress open-source content management system. This software is primarily used to create feature-rich websites with user-friendly and intuitive navigation. WordPress provides a wide range of features and plugins that can be used to create custom websites, as well as blogs, forums, e-commerce stores, and more.
Flourishing WordPress Development Company: A flourishing WordPress development company is one that is able to consistently generate profitable revenue from WordPress projects. This includes hiring skilled developers and designers, using quality tools and technologies to build custom solutions, and providing reliable customer service and support. There are many secrets to success when it comes to starting and operating a successful WordPress development company.
Roadmap: The roadmap to starting a flourishing WordPress development company is a detailed plan of action that outlines the steps to take in order to achieve success. This plan should identify the team player roles, target market, marketing strategy, as well as technology and tools to be used. A well-developed roadmap is essential in order to stay on track and ensure that the desired outcomes are achieved.

1. Decide Your Business Model

Steps to Starting a Flourishing WordPress Development Company

Starting a flourishing WordPress development company requires the implementation of various steps and a proper roadmap.

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Form a Business Plan

The first step for starting a successful WordPress development company is to make a business plan. This should include the services that you will offer, how much you will charge, and who your target customers are. Additionally, you should also determine the overhead operating expenses that are necessary for providing services. This plan should be properly researched and updated regularly to keep up with the latest trends in the industry.

Find Sustainable Profits

To keep your business running profitably, you should find sustainable income sources from customers who need your services. To do this, create a portfolio highlighting your skills and customer reviews. You can also promote your business online with a website and social media presence. Keep in mind that word-of-mouth referrals will play an important part in generating business.

Stay on Top of New Technology

Technology is constantly changing, so it is essential to stay on top of the latest trends and developments. For example, new tools for developing WordPress websites, such as plugins and themes, should be studied and implemented as soon as they become available. To stay up to date, attend seminars, read industry blogs, and follow technology experts on social media.

Invest in Quality Tools and Equipment

Keep in mind that quality products and services should be provided to ensure customer satisfaction. Therefore, investing in quality tools and equipment is essential. This includes high-end workstations, redundant internet connections, reliable backup storage, and secure hosting. Additionally, you should also invest in quality support staff to ensure that customer inquiries are answered in a timely and efficient manner.

Outsource Non-Core Services

To run a profitable WordPress development business, it is important to outsource non-core activities. This will allow you to focus on the core activities of client development and website deployments. Some activities that can be outsourced include maintenance, website hosting, customer support, and marketing. Outsourcing will save you time and money while allowing you to keep your focus on the important aspects of development.

  • Form a Business Plan.
  • Find Sustainable Profits.
  • Stay on Top of New Technology.
  • Invest in Quality Tools and Equipment
  • Outsource Non-Core Services.

2. Identify Your Core Competencies

It is essential to understand your core competencies before starting a WordPress development company. Your core competencies are the essential skills that will allow you to be successful, because they are the areas where you excel and have the most experience. The core competencies may include coding abilities, design skills, project management capabilities, marketing experience etc. To determine and define your core competencies, it helps to identify your past successes and failures, and analyze the skills you have used and acquired.
Unfolding Contribution Capacity
When starting a WordPress development company, it is important to also identify what contribution capacity you have to offer. What can you offer that other developers are not already offering? What is your “value add” concerning designing, developing, and maintaining a website? Once you understand what your contribution capacity is, you can start to build and expand upon it. This helps to ensure your company has unique services to differentiate itself from others.
Exploring Understanding of the Market
A fundamental part of starting a WordPress development company is understanding the market. What are the current trends? Is there a developing opportunity? Who is your target market? Are there existing potential clients? Having a deep understanding of the market helps to create the foundation for how you approach, design, and develop your WordPress sites. It also helps to define the direction of business and inform potential clients.
Developing Expertise and Experience
Lastly, to start a WordPress development company, it is important to build upon your technical expertise and experience. You want to ensure you have a vast understanding of the WordPress platform. This can be achieved by attending WordPress workshops, engaging in online forums, and exploring the tutorials that are available. Additionally, staying up-to-date on existing and emerging trends helps to ensure that you always have the necessary expertise to meet the demands of the market.
Overall, understanding your core competencies, exploring your contribution capacity, and developing your technical expertise and experience are key components for starting a successful WordPress development company. With a strong business plan that takes into account the market trends and existing customer needs, you will be well on your way to success.

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3. Market Your WordPress Development Company

Step 1: Learn the Basics of WordPress Development

Creating a successful WordPress development company requires a deep knowledge of the platform, its main components, and the potential of working with WordPress. As a first step, you need to understand the core principles of WordPress: the platform’s anatomy, the plugins and themes that create the website’s interface, and the code that helps the website perform its tasks. Learning the basics isn’t difficult, and the possibilities of developing unique WordPress websites will unlock after you understand what WordPress is and how it works. It’s important that you decide which parts of WordPress development you would like to specialize in, as there are several roles that you can take on in a WordPress development company – coding, designing, SEO-optimization, etc.

Step 2: Develop Your WordPress Skills

Once you have a good understanding of the WordPress platform, you need to develop your WordPress development skills. You can do this by participating in online courses, attending conventions, and reading online tutorials. It’s important to stay updated on the latest developments in WordPress as the platform is constantly evolving. It’s also a great idea to join online forums and communities where you can interact with experienced WordPress developers. Through forums and networks, you can ask for advice or feedback from other WordPress developers, as well as gain valuable insights about the industry.

Step 3: Start Practicing Development Projects

The next step is to start developing and practicing your skills with real projects. Start with small projects and simple websites, and gradually increase the complexity and challenge of your projects as you go. It’s important to have an online portfolio on your website to showcase your work to potential clients. Working with existing clients and projects will also provide valuable experience in the world of WordPress development.

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Step 4. Build Your Network

In order to make your WordPress development company flourish, you need to build a strong and reliable network of contacts. Reach out to people in the WordPress community and build meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals. It’s important to be active and engage in conversations on various forums and social media platforms, as this is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in the WordPress development world. Additionally, you should participate in WordPress-related events like conferences, hackathons, and webinars, as this is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and widen your network of contacts.


Starting a flourishing WordPress development company is the dream of many developers, but the journey can be incredibly difficult. It takes more than just coding skills. Which ingredients are required for creating a successful business?
If you are ready to take that step, follow our blog to stay updated on techniques, tips and news about WordPress development. We will regularly publish new releases so that you can get the most up to date information.
Q1: What do I need to get started with creating a flourishing WordPress development business?
A1: In addition to coding skills, you need a thorough understanding of WordPress, project management experience, an ability to troubleshoot software issues, and excellent customer consultation and communication.
Q2: What resources do I need to dive deeper into WordPress development?
A2: Resources such as online tutorials, books, and videos can help you gain a better understanding of WordPress development. Additionally, networking with developers and attending events with industry experts can also be invaluable.
Q3: How often do I need to stay updated with new information?
A3: We recommend that you stay updated with news and updates related to WordPress development by following the blog regularly. Additionally, attending multiple industry events every year is also recommended.
Q4: How can I build a strong customer base?
A4: Strong customer relationships are key to any successful business. Offering excellent customer support, addressing customer concerns in a timely fashion, and providing top-notch service will help you build a strong relationship with your clients.
Q5: What else can I do to make my business successful?
A5: Staying up to date with the latest WordPress developments, providing cutting-edge solutions, and developing a long-term plan of action should all be part of your strategy. Additionally, setting clear goals and working hard to achieve those goals is a great way to ensure success.

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