How to link posts to pages in WordPress?

Have you ever wondered how to bridge the gap between your WordPress website’s pages and posts? With the ability to link the two together, website visitors can get to the relevant content quickly and easily. But how can this be done? According to experts in web design, there are few available options to link posts to pages in WordPress. Phil Elverum, an experienced web developer, will discuss the different approaches in this thought-provoking article.

To understand why it is important to link posts to pages in WordPress, we need to consider the goal of web design. Simply put, the purpose is to make it easier for web users to find the information they are looking for. As a result, web content should be organized in a way that makes navigating the site intuitive and effective. With all this in mind, specifically having the ability to link posts to pages on WordPress opens up a lot of possibilities for website owners.

Phil Elverum has a decade-long history of web design and development. His expertise has seen him create many successful WordPress websites, including ones that facilitated users in linking posts to pages. And with his wealth of experience, he is ready to share his knowledge with us.

In this article, you will learn about the different approaches to linking pages and posts in WordPress. Phil will provide detailed instructions on how to do this manually and using plugins. He will also recommend some useful plugins to help website admins manage their content more effectively. So, stay tuned and an insightful article is just around the corner!

Definitions of Linking Posts to Pages in WordPress

Linked posts and pages provide a great way to organize your content and help website visitors navigate your site. WordPress has a built-in feature to link posts and pages to each other, as well as other websites. Linking posts and pages in WordPress can be done by creating a link code to the page or post, and then pasting the link code into the text editor of the post or page you want to link.
Page – this is a type of WordPress content that doesn’t have an expiration date and is usually used for informational or legal information. Pages do not appear on the blog’s front page.
Post – a post is a type of website content that is regularly published and appears in the main blog page, archives, and search results. Posts usually have an expiration date, especially when it comes to blog posts.
Link – this refers to a piece of code that connects one page or post to another page or post or to an external website. These are usually created using HTML.
Link Code – this is a piece of HTML code that is used to create a link to a post, page, or website. It consists of the link URL and an anchor text.
Anchor Text – this is the text that is used as a link to another page or post or to an external website. The anchor text is an important part of the link code.
URL – a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the global address of documents and other web resources on the Internet. It is used to create a link code.

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Identifying Which Posts to Link to Pages

Linking posts to pages in WordPress is a great way to help your website visitors find the most important and relevant content on your website. This method of linking is especially beneficial for websites with a large number of posts and pages, or for those dealing with a wide variety of topics. By carefully selecting which posts to link to pages, you can ensure that visitors get the most out of their experience on your website.

Choose Relevant Posts

When setting up WordPress links, one of the most important things you need to consider is relevance. A link on a page should point to a post related to the same topic. It should also be an interesting post that entices your readers to continue reading it. That way, visitors who click on the link will be more likely to stay on the page for longer periods of time.

Encourage Interaction

Another useful strategy to use when linking posts to pages is to encourage interaction. Select posts that have spaces for comments or ratings, so that people can voluntarily leave feedback. This helps foster a sense of engagement and will make visitors feel more included in the website’s content. You can also consider linking to posts with polls or surveys, as people tend to participate in those types of activities.

Consider Posting Frequency

When selecting posts to link to pages, it’s also important to consider the frequency of posting. If you post too little, visitors may forget about your website and not return. On the other hand, if you post too frequently, readers may become overwhelmed or bored. Either way, the activity and content of your posts should be carefully balanced for optimal engagement.

Compose Your List

When figuring out which posts to link to your page, it’s a good idea to create a list of your options. That way, you can review it and decide which posts best match the theme or topic of your page, as well as the types of interactions you want readers to have. Make sure to brainstorm a variety of options, as this will give you more control and flexibility for linking posts to pages.

  • Choose relevant posts
  • Encourage interaction
  • Consider posting frequency
  • Compose your list
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Creating Links in WordPress Posts

Creating links in WordPress posts is a powerful capability that gives you a more dynamic and engaging way to share content with your readers. By using links, you can bring readers to other related posts, pages, and media on your website. Linking posts together can also be immensely helpful for helping search engines understand the structure and context of your website. It is an essential aspect of SEO and search engine optimization.

Understanding the Types of Links

When creating your links for posts and pages, you need to understand the type of links you can create. Although all links appear simply as a colored, underlined text, they are all created in different ways.

Your most basic type of link is a simple hyperlink. This is a text or image link to another website, page, post, or media file on the web. You can also create a link to a page, post, or file on your own website.

The other type of link, called a “hard link,” points to a specific file on your website’s server. These links are used to direct a visitor to a download or file on your website.

Creating Links in WordPress

Creating links in WordPress is quite straightforward. All you need to do is simply highlight the text or image you want to use as a link, and click the “Insert Link” button. You will be taken to a menu that will ask you to type or paste the link’s URL into the “URL” box.

When linking to a page on your own website, you can use the “Link to existing content” option. This will take you to a list of your pages and posts, from which you can select the destination for the link.

It is also important to keep in mind that many WordPress themes add a “no-follow” tag to all links in posts and pages. This prevents search engines from following the link, and will not help you increase the visibility of your website in search results. To change this, you can manually remove the tag or disable it in the “Discussion” settings of your website.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

Alternate Linking Methods and Plugin Solutions

Linked posts, also known as pages, are a great tool for content managers and WordPress users alike. This feature allows you to directly link posts together, making them easier to find and access. Linking posts to pages can be done in a number of different ways, and can be beneficial to users who use WordPress for business purposes such as creating a website or blogging. This article will explore the various ways in which posts can be linked to pages and the possible uses for such a feature.

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Manual Linking

The most basic way to link posts to pages is to manually add a link to the post itself. This tactic necessitates additional effort on the user end, as the user must copy and paste the link into the post so that it can be clicked on. Manual linking is a great choice for short posts or single pages. However, managing a lot of posts manually can be time-consuming and can lead to less-than-desirable results.

Plugin Solutions

Another way to link posts to pages is to use a plugin. Plugins are third-party applications that can be downloaded and installed within the WordPress dashboard. Many of these plugins are designed to make certain aspects of web development easier. For example, plugins can be used to link posts to pages on a WordPress site. These plugins typically provide a wide range of features, including the ability to customize the appearance of the page and the linking of its posts.

“The way we link and organize information is the key to success in business.” – Elon Musk


Linking posts to pages in WordPress provides a great way to promote the content of the website. It organizes all the posts and pages on the website and helps viewers easily find what they’re looking for. Was this process straightforward or complex? Does it require technical knowledge? Is it easy or difficult to learn? These questions can be answered by coming to understand WordPress linking.

By mastering this valuable skill, website owners can enrich the overall WordPress experience and create a website that’s easier to navigate. As you continue to learn more, keep checking our blog for new releases and updates.

FAQs about Link Posts to Pages in WordPress:
Q: Can I link posts to pages in WordPress?
A: Yes, linking posts to pages in WordPress is a great way to increase navigation.
Q: Do I need to have technical knowledge to link posts to pages in WordPress?
A: No, it is quite easy to learn how to link posts to pages in WordPress.
Q: What are the benefits of linking posts to pages?
A: Linking posts to pages in WordPress provides a great way to create a website that’s easier to navigate and allows viewers to find content more easily.
Q: Is this an easy process?
A: Yes, once you understand the concept of linking posts to pages, it’s quite easy to implement on your website.
Q: Where can I find more information about linking posts to pages in WordPress?
A: You can find more detailed information about WordPress linking on our blog.

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