How to create a pay per download website in WordPress?

Creating a pay per download website in WordPress is an ambitious project, especially if you’re relatively new to web development and coding. Are you up to the challenge? What platforms and plugins should you use for the project? And, most importantly, how can you ensure that your website functions perfectly?

Today, online digital goods, such as ebooks or software, are in increasingly high demand. A pay per download website offers customers a way to purchase individual downloads, such as fonts or music albums on demand. This type of website could be a great way to earn extra income. But creating a website that offers such a service can be a difficult and daunting task. It’s not enough to merely understand the basics of web development. You also need to be familiar with coding and the principles of web design to ensure that customers can access the downloads they’ve paid for. According to research from the Digital Business Institute, technical issues orux9% of lost purchases occur. Therefore, technical know-how is a must when creating a pay per download site.

In this article, you will learn how to create a pay per download website in WordPress. We’ll discuss why WordPress is a great platform for this type of website, explore the necessary plugins and outline how to properly configure your website to better serve your customers. We’ll also discuss the different payment types available and outline the various ways you can increase the amount of downloads your website offers and increase customer satisfaction.

By the time you finish reading this guide, you’ll have all the tools and information you need to start building your own pay per download website in WordPress. So let’s get started.


A pay per download website is a type of online platform that lets users purchase digital content. This type of website usually uses WordPress, an open-source content management system. WordPress makes it easy to create and customize content and pages on the site. It also offers powerful tools for managing and organizing digital content for sale. By using WordPress, users can quickly set up and customize a website that serves as a hub for digital content.
Pay per download refers to receiving payouts when users download files from the site. It is typically monetized by collecting subscription fees or charging for access to specific content. The website owner can control the pricing, as well as the delivery of the content to the users.
WordPress is a content management system used to create websites. It allows users to quickly create sites without needing to know HTML or complex website coding. It offers a variety of plugins and themes that can be used to customize the look and feel of the website. WordPress is free and can be easily installed.
Digital content refers to any type of content that is created or stored digitally. This includes documents, images, audio, video, and any other type of media file. Digital content can be stored on the web or hosted on a content delivery network for easy access.
Content management system is the software used to manage digital content. This type of system usually contains tools for creating, editing, uploading, and displaying content on the web. Content management systems are used to manage all of the content on the website from publishing, editing, and displaying. They also help users manage permissions and access rights for site visitors.
Plugins are pieces of code that can be used to extend a WordPress website. They provide additional functionality and can be easily installed with just a few clicks. There are a variety of plugins available for WordPress, from simple ones such as contact forms to more complex ones such as membership sites.
Themes are collections of images, style sheets, and scripts that can be used to create a unique look and feel for a website. WordPress offers a variety of themes that can be easily installed and customized. This allows users to quickly create a unique site with a familiar look.
Content delivery networks are services that enable users to host digital content. These services provide users with high-speed connections and the ability to distribute their content to multiple locations around the world. This ensures that content is easy to access and is always available to users in any location.

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Introduction of Pay Per Download Website Concepts

Making money through your website can be a great way to allow your passion to become a lucrative business. Pay Per Download (PPD) is a business model that allows website owners to monetize their digital content and get paid whenever a user downloads or accesses their content. This is a great way to monetize your website without having to invest in advertising or worry about banners. With a Pay Per Download website you keep control of what is being downloaded and where it is being placed.

Understanding the Pay Per Download Business Model

The Pay Per download business model consists of offering digital content such as a file, video, music, or software in exchange for a fee. Website owners can set a price for each file and once the user pays the fee, they can download or access the content. This type of business model is great for both content creators and website owners alike, because the content creators don’t have to worry about selling their product and the website owner can gain an income passively.

Setting Up a Pay Per Download Website In WordPress

A benefit of using WordPress when creating a Pay Per Download website is that WordPress already has a few plugins in place for making a PPD website. The two main plugins used for this purpose are Easy Digital Downloads and WP-Filebase. These plugins specialize in helping website owners upload, manage, and sell digital downloads from within their WordPress site.

  • Easy Digital Downloads
    • Price and license control options.
    • Flexible payment options.
    • User accounts & reports.
  • WP-Filebase
    • Multi-file uploads.
    • Downloads tracking.
    • Batch updates.

Both WordPress plugins are easy to set up and use, making them both great options for any website owner who wishes to monetize their digital content with a PPD website. After the basic setup is complete, website owners can begin setting up their digital content and setting prices for each item. Payments can then be accepted through PayPal or any other payment gateway the website owner chooses to accept.
It is important to note that setting up a PPD website doesn’t guarantee success or income. It is important to promote and market your website in order to bring in potential customers. From there, you can track which content is the most popular, and adjust prices or content accordingly.

Setting Up a Pay Per Download Website with WordPress

Starting a pay-per-download website on WordPress is a cost-effective way to monetize content and can be done quickly and easily. With the right plugins and payment processors, setting up a pay-per-download site can be done in a matter of minutes. In this article, we will explain how you can turn your WordPress website into a pay-per-download site.

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Step 1: Choose a Payment Processor

The first step in setting up a pay-per-download site is to choose a payment processor. There are a variety of payment processors to choose from, such as PayPal, Stripe, or even a custom payment solution. Each payment processor has its own set of features and fees. Once you choose a payment processor, you can then proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Install the Plugins

Once you have chosen a payment processor, you then need to find a plugin that supports that payment processor and enables pay-per-download functionality on your WordPress website. Popular plugins such asWP-SimplePayment and Easy Digital Downloads allow you to quickly and easily set up a pay-per-download website. These plugins include features such as subscription options, bundles, and recurring payments.
Once you have chosen and installed a plugin, you will then need to configure it. Each plugin will have its own settings and features. It is important to read through the documentation before you configure the plugin so that you understand all of the features and options available.

Step 3: Set Up a Download Page

Once your payment processor and plugin are configured, you can then proceed to setting up the download page. This page is where customers will be directed to after making a purchase. It should be a simple page that contains a link to the file that was purchased. Depending on the plugin you are using, you may be able to customize the page with HTML, JavaScript, or other content.
Once the page is set up, you can then proceed to testing the payment process. It is important to test each step in the process to ensure that it is working correctly and that customers will be able to make purchases.
Once you have tested the payment process, you can then proceed to promoting your website. You can create content such as blog posts, tutorials, and videos to drive traffic to your website and promote your products. You may also want to consider setting up an affiliate program to help drive more sales.
Setting up a pay-per-download website on WordPress is a great and cost-effective way to monetize your content. By following these steps, you can quickly and easily turn your website into a successful online business.

Managing Content and Features on a Pay Per Download Website

Pay per download websites have become increasingly important in monetizing digital assets such as software, ebooks, images, audio files, and videos. These websites offer customers the ability to purchase a product and have access to it immediately. Establishing a pay per download website in WordPress can be challenging as it takes a lot of time to set up and manage, as well as an understanding of how to upload files and configure the WordPress back-end to properly manage the product offerings.

Secure File Hosting

When setting up a pay per download website in WordPress, it is important to ensure the files are securely uploaded and stored. This not only furthers the safety of the customer’s purchase, but also provides an assurance for the digital asset creator that their work is protected. The main concern for storing files securely is to prevent others from being able to use the files without paying for them. One way to guarantee secure file hosting is by using a file hosting provider, such as Amazon S3. By using cloud based file hosting, it reduces the chances of file sharing and potential violations of copyright.

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Automatic Updates and Version Changes

When selling digital products, automatic updates are essential for customer satisfaction and product management. Automatic updates provide customers with updated versions of the product without having to manually reinstall the new product every time an update is released. This can be seamlessly managed within WordPress by using the WooCommerce plugin. WooCommerce has built-in licencing systems that will automatically detect and update the software when a new version is released. This ensures customers can access the latest updates without any extra effort.
Pay per download websites can be beneficial to digital asset creators and customers alike. By using WordPress, it is possible for them to properly organize, store, and manage their digital products. With the help of plugins such as WooCommerce, the pay per download product can be managed and updates sent out in a seamless fashion, without the hassle of downloading and installing the products.


Creating a pay per download website in WordPress is an interesting and lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs who are looking to earn an additional stream of income. But how exactly does one go about setting up such a site? Many questions arise about the technical aspects and associated costs. Is it even possible to create a pay per download website within WordPress?
The answer is a resounding yes! WordPress can be used to create a sophisticated pay per download site, both from a design and functionality perspective. Of course, it does require some technical savviness and is not necessarily something that beginners can just jump into. However, with the right guidance and dedication, anyone can create a successful pay per download site in WordPress. If you’re looking to create a pay per download website but don’t know where to start, be sure to keep an eye on this blog for upcoming new releases!
Many questions abound about the process of creating a pay per download website in WordPress, so let’s cover some of the most common FAQs:
What is the best way to create a pay per download website in WordPress? The best way to create a pay per download website in WordPress is to use a combination of plugins and custom coding. With the right tools and dedication to the task at hand, anyone can create a professional pay per download site.
How much money can you make with a pay per download website? Potential earnings depend on the amount of content and the amount of traffic you can generate to your site. With the right kind of content and an effective marketing plan in place, there is no limit to the amount of money you can make with a pay per download website.
What plugins are needed for a pay per download website? The exact plugins needed vary from site to site. However, some general plugins every pay per download site will need include an e-commerce plugin to handle the payment processing, an affiliate plugin, and a plugin that offers the ability to upload protected files.
How to manage file downloads on a pay per download website? It is important to manage downloads properly in order to maximize the income earned. This is done by limiting the time a file can be downloaded and setting download restrictions. This will also help with user experience and create an incentive for downloads.
Are there any costs associated with creating a pay per download website in WordPress? While creating a pay per download website in WordPress does not require any upfront costs, there are certain recurring costs, such as hosting and domain fees, as well as optional costs associated with the plugins used. However, these costs can eventually all be offset by income generated by the site.

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