How do I make my WordPress website faster & user-friendly?

Do you have an outdated WordPress website that lags behind your competitors? Are you losing potential customers, and visitors just because your website is not loading fast enough and is not user-friendly? Is it impossible for you to keep up with the technology? These are just a few of the thought-provoking questions about making a WordPress website faster & more user-friendly.
It is true that internet speeds have not kept up with the increase in content and demand for faster loading times. According to a 2006 study by Pingdom, web pages were taking, on average, around 8-10 seconds to fully load. Nowadays, webpages are taking even longer, up to 20 seconds, due to more rich content and multimedia that has become part of our web experiences. Aside from internet speeds, website speed is also affected by user interaction, server configuration and WordPress software. These factors have a direct impact on website speed and user experience, which leads us to the question of how to make a WordPress website faster & more user-friendly?
In this article, you will learn the best practices for optimizing a WordPress website, from tweaking the code to making better use of caching tools and plugins. We will also discuss the importance of having good hosting and making sure that all the plugins and themes on your website are kept up to date. Additionally, we’ll cover optimizing the design, layout and architecture of the website. Finally, we will discuss the importance of paying attention to usability, accessibility and performance to create an overall pleasant user experience. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you’ll have gained some valuable insight into how to make your WordPress website faster & user-friendly.


WordPress: WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It is used to build websites and blogs, and is the world’s most popular platform for creating and managing websites, with over 60 million websites powered by WordPress.
Website Speed: Website speed is the amount of time it takes for a website to load completely when a Web user requests it.
User-Friendliness: User-friendliness is the ease of using a system or a product to complete a task. A user-friendly system should be easy to understand and use, and should require minimal effort and time to learn and interact with.
There are numerous ways to make your WordPress website faster and more user-friendly. Optimize your images and use a caching plugin to reduce loading time. Consider switching to a faster hosting service, or even optimizing the server settings to improve performance. Minimize the number of plugins you are using, or switch to lighter alternatives. Additionally, keep an eye on the content and code on your website and ensure it is well-structured and uncluttered. This helps to ensure that your website loads quickly and efficiently. Finally, ensure your website is always updated with the latest version of WordPress. This will ensure that the website is running the latest security patches and has optimized performance.
Overall, there are many steps you can take to make your WordPress website faster and more user-friendly. By following these steps, you can improve the website performance, ensure that the content loads quickly, and even enhance the overall user experience of your website.

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1. Optimize Database Queries

Optimizing database queries is essential to improve WordPress website performance. Unnecessary and extra queries to fetch data from the database adds to the overall loading time of a website, so it’s important to reduce these queries and make them more efficient.

Optimizing Database Queries

The most important step in optimization is to find and replace inefficient database queries. Queries can be slow due to complexity or wrong usage of operations. To make them better, they should be simplified, index operations should be used, and unnecessary operations should be avoided. Additionally, the database should be indexed where appropriate and unnecessary data should be removed.

Optimizing Query Selects

The SELECT query is used to select data from the database. They can take a long time to execute if the fields and tables are not properly specified. The solution is to narrow down results by specifying WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY clauses. It is also helpful to properly name tables and columns to avoid confusion.

Optimizing Query Writes

The WRITE query is used to update existing records in the database. If the query is large, it can take a long time to execute resulting in slow performance of the website. Here, it is important to use the proper data types and index operations. Additionally, transactions should be used to avoid conflicts and lock contention.
Optimizing database queries is essential to improve website performance and ensure better user experience.

2. Improve WordPress Coding Practices

WordPress is an open source platform with a massive library of plugins and themes, allowing users to customize their websites with ease. However, despite all its advantages, WordPress sites can sometimes be slow and difficult to use. Implementing certain coding practices can improve the speed and user-friendliness of any WordPress site.

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Make Use of Well-Coded Themes

Themes are an essential part of any WordPress site. They provide the foundation for the design and overall look of the website. This is why it’s important to make sure that the themes you use are well-coded and up-to-date. Using a theme with outdated coding can lead to slower loading times and make navigating the site difficult. Always look for themes with the latest coding standards and innovative features.

Utilize Caching Techniques

A good way to optimize your WordPress site for speed and user-friendliness is to use various caching techniques. Caching is a process that temporarily stores frequently requested files on your web server so that it can be loaded quicker. This helps reduce the amount of resources needed to generate the page, resulting in faster loading times. you can utilize caching plugins to easily set up caching on your site.
Finally, make sure that all HTML, CSS, and JS files used in the site are minified and compressed. This minimizes the file sizes and improves the overall loading speed of the site. It also helps make the site easier to navigate, as it decreases the number of requests made by the user’s browser. Compacting HTML documents, style sheets, and JavaScript can go a long way in optimizing the speed and usability of your WordPress site.

3. Utilize Caching and Compression

Utilize Caching and Compression for WordPress

Cache Your Website

Caching is a process in which the commonly used elements of the website, from images to HTML pages, are stored temporarily. This allows requests for these elements to be accessed much faster than if they had to be generated from scratch. WordPress plugins offer several caching solutions, such as WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache. Setting up caching is an important step in reducing website load time and optimizing the user experience.

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Compress Your Website

Another way to speed up your WordPress website is to compress your data before it is transferred to the user’s computer. Compression reduces the size of images, javascript and other HTML files. Many plugins allow for effective compression without eliminating any useful data. One of the most popular plugins is the WP-Optimize, which can clean up and compress your website in a single click.
Finally, keep an eye on your website performance by regularly checking website speed with tools such as Pingdom and GTMetrix. These will help you identify which aspects are slowing down your website and what measures you should take to improve website speed. Following these steps will ensure that your website works quickly and efficiently.


We all know that in this age of digitalization, an efficient website is one of the cornerstones of success. We not only want our website to be user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing but also fast-performing. But how can we achieve that?
We suggest that you follow our blog for the latest updates and information. We strive hard to keep you informed about the best practices, most efficient tools, and timely tips and tricks to ensure that your WordPress site is as fast and user-friendly as it can be. So, make sure you don’t miss the next release.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. How can I make my WordPress website faster?
A. One of the most effective and simple ways to make your WordPress website faster is to reduce the image size. Another easy way is to enable caching, which will create static versions of your webpages.
Q. How can I make my website more user-friendly?
A. Try to simplify your website design, reduce the loading times by compressing and optimizing images, and make navigation easier. Additionally, make sure you use a mobile-responsive theme.
Q. Should I enable caching for my WordPress website?
A. Absolutely, it is highly recommended that you enable caching for your WordPress website, as it can help reduce server load and speed up page loading times.
Q. How can I reduce the image size?
A. You can use a variety of tools such as Photoshop, or online tools such as TinyPNG or to reduce the image size without compromising on quality.
Q. What is the importance of using a mobile-responsive theme?
A. More and more people are now accessing websites through their mobile phones and tablets. A mobile-responsive theme will make it easier for your website viewers to use your website on their mobile devices. It will also help increase search engine rankings.

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